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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

    Santi Pada chakraborty, Fellow Member of the INSTITUTION of Engineers (India), Ex-SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (ELECTRICAL) , WBSEB  
   Introduction: - 5G will support connected device era. 5G will connect more and more numbers of devices to the network. 50 billion devices will be added on the internet in 2020 and will make 5G Internet of Things World. 5G will be available everywhere on the internet and technology will be more humane. Internet will be able to experience real world through probes and sensors and application will be aware of and will provide relevant services.
 IoT will transform real world to digital. If there is no network to connect the device to a network and traffic cannot be carried, Internet of Things (IoT) will remain a daydream. 5G mobile networks will be able to give shape to IoT. 5G is Iot's backbone. And the vast number of the world's mobile traffic is coming and in 2020 and 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet. Cisco estimates that by 2018 the world will need 11 times the data traffic.
    What is the Internet of Things?
   Internet of Things will connect people with the device and people will be connected to the devices and systems. It is another IT wave after computer, internet and mobile communication. If sensors and chips are embeded with objects  the objects will "think", and "feel" and will be able to "talk" with each other. These will communicate with people, internet and mobile network infrastructure. Sensors embedded things will help us to control and monitor them at any place and at any time services will be available IoT will put huge impact on our daily lives-electricity, transportation, industrial control, retail, utilities management, healthcare, water resources management, and petroleum etc. Industry will encourage manufacturers to invest more capital. In IoT there will be "Smart City", devices and sensors will be set up in every part of the city's infrastructure and will monitor all the time. The IoT has big market.China Mobile experts believe that there is close relationship between the IoT and 5G. 5G networks is more powerful, it  protects and improve energy efficiency, with it connected devices and embedded systems will spread.
    How 5G will Power the Future Internet of Things
     5G in 2020 at 50 billion things will be connected. Self-driving car will be introduced and it will communicate with the traffic light. Smart city sensor system, home appliance, industrial automation system, health care, personal drone and robots will all be wirelessly connected.    
  5G will make IoT more effective and efficient in respect of spectral efficiency. Each IoT device and the network will use the internet as much as is needed in that particular moment, and that as far as it is available. 5G will cover vast areas and Internet of Things will connect machines to machines.
   5G is next generation radio access technology, its latency is 1 ms and downlink rate is 1 Gbps. This modern technology can be connected to self-driving cars, can be used in augmented reality or virtual reality that will make driving, gaming, health care, wearable technology possible. 5G M2M and cloud-based Office and many other things can be wirelessly connected.
  100% of people will be connected to the network within few years, time 8 to 9 billion people will need connection.
  This is the way people will be educated and receive information. The current network 4G, 3G, Wi-Fi will not pass away, 5G will be added with them. Evans estimates that today it takes minutes or hours but it will be sent within second, when 5G ml will come.
  Evans says, "what compute are also connected”. Everything will be connected in our lives such as our fitness tracker,  robotic manufacturing plant, and our banking and thus our culture will be changed.
  Our children and their children will live in the home environment which would be totally different. 5G will bring revolutionary change in our shelter methods and culture.
   Our own device will not only be IoT device. the road on which we run our cars, bridge, water pipes through which    water is supplied and floodgates of the dam which controls the river water flow, ie country's all infrastructures, everything will be connected via the IoT. In 3/4 years 50 billion devices will become connected. As 4G will support 5G will enable IoT. IoT will not work successfully without 5G. If it is implemented all our devices will talk to each other: our houses, cars, watches, clothes etc. will talk to each other. 
  In fact, 2020 5G is coming. Now the carrier base station are coming in hundreds to manage users all together. But that's not enough to manage few billion new devices on 5G-IoT.  The companies will increase base station connectivity 1000 times.
   Today, it may seem to be Science fiction but after 15 years  it would be general. Devices more than 10 times the populations of this planet will be added to the internet. In IoT hundreds of billions of data the machines will send and receive.
   Energy management: - On IoT the sensor switch, plug, bulbs, TV remote control devices, etc. can be connected centrally through the cloud with the control interface. Sensors and actuation systems will be connected to the internet. Oven will be remote controlled, also lights on / off can be done from remote. With IoT Power Company will adopt tele-metering system and need not go door to door to read meters.   
     Critical Customer Challenges: In addition to energy management of home, IoT will operate smart grid. Grid's efficiency, reliability, economy, and sustainable power generation and supply will be settled. Peak hour demand will be meet, transmission and distribution loss will reduce and increase energy efficiency, carbon footprint will reduce. Renewable energy sources (solar, wind) will be associated with grid. This will ensure reliable and self-healing networks. Generating plant will be efficient, automatic using sensors and programmable logic controller (PLC). Control can be done in cloud platform. Consumer will be given secure  quality power supply, outage will be very low. So preventive maintenance will be less and less and interruption for geographical outage will be minimized. At peak hours using predictive demand response demand will be made flat.  
  Transport: We are going to enter an era of a big data. Large automotive sector is very important; 5G will work as new catalyst. For entertainment too high speed internet is required. We need broadband, which gives best quality connection to the user, wherever they may be and at whatever speed they travel. Car will be self-driving. The devices in cars will display cars parking space. The following events can also be seen.
 "Remember, you have a meeting at a distant city and you are travelling in your self-driving car. You can take a look in back seat the presentation to be shown at meeting. The self-drive car will take you all the way. You can work, you can take a nap. Low latency internet connected car will get real time traffic information and the accidents will not occur, and it will take you the destination safely in time. This thing wills also happen.”
  Remote controlled and self-driven car will ply. Cars will connect to other self-driven cars and with the infrastructures in IoT, which will take the information with each other for more reliable and extremely fast low-latency connectivity.
  In ttransport now in some high end cars, the drivers are connected with the internet to get real time traffic information. 5G will enable additional connectivity benefits. Cars will communicate with other cars and also infrastructures to know detailed information of the traffic jam and even quickly learn   bridge condition or road block. It will decide whether your travel road is to be altered and time will be wasted. Car will talk with other smart devices, the house and it will tell the oven to heat water from remote.
  Health sector: - wireless sensor networks will remotely monitor patients’ health, blood pressure, heart etc. with embedded device, sensor network, actuator, etc. keeping the patient at home. In IoT everything is associated with internet. Health care devices, such as the MRI, CT scan or space lab test equipment will be connected with the internet. It is IoT health care technology. Parameters of all patients is stored in cloud-based storage with a gateway and analysed. To analyse all correctly 5G internet connection is required. Telemedicine will help distant treatment. Wearable health care system has too much importance. Patients will get treatment staying at home.  
  5G 'tactile internet' will enable surgeons to operate from remote. "Suppose a surgeon will undergo operation in hospital Assistants and nurses have prepared but the surgeon is not putting on clothes; he is not even visible here. This is because he is at a distance of more than one hundred miles away, and he is remotely operating with robot through tactile internet. Surgeon will see perfect view in real time video of the operation. He will see 3D scan of the part of the body of the patient through the robot arm controlling which operation is being conducted. The surgeon can feel that he has surgical instrument in his hand, understand and perfectly able to judge how and when to cut through with how much pressure, as if the surgeon is just standing next to the operation table. Such operation can also be seen. 
  Smart Home: - In IoT smart home system temperature sensors, heating controllers, burglar alarms, cameras, TV, fridge, smart lighting, and all things of the house will be connected to master controller which will control the equipments. Sensors are becoming less and less expensive, and battery life will be 10 years. Traffic efficiently will be macine type in 5G. Smart home sensor lamp, air-conditions, fan, etc. will be made off / on, and the windows will be close / open, security systems will monitor in real time and intimate owner. It was seen in science fiction before, now it will be true in IoT.  Media also will be benefitted.
   Environmental monitoring: - IoT’ s Environmental monitoring applications generally use sensor in the environment , for security, and for air or water quality and for weather or soil conditions. Movement and dwellings of the wild animals will be monitored in the forest. Apps for advance warning system for earth quake or a tsunami can be implemented and will arrange emergency service for help. In this application the IoT devices are spread in huge numbers along wide geographical area and become mobile.     
    Manufacturing: - The IoT in manufacturing is in high demand. Those who have adopted IoT in process and manufacturing use sensors and programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The IoT is applied in manufacturing to reduce human intervention. Machines will talk with other Machines and the process itself will decide and adjust as needed. This is M2M communication.  Computers are now becomig now more and more cheap, so in factory manufacturing and in other places computers are being used for more efficiency. In GE factory to manufacture battery thousands of tiny sensors are installed in various places, these have been set up to collect data at each step. They also analyse data and factory runs in automation. In factory automation Programmable Logic Controllers are used in complex Nano injection mould and also used in other easier places. Internet connection is given to PLC. From Paint gun to punch press PLC is used everywhere.   
   Network for a new generation: - To meet the needs of the users and the machines require new 5G mobile network. 5G network with present mobile radio generation and Wi-Fi will  be added to a new system. Adding a new access technology, 5G will give high speed internet service to vast numbers of small users spread in wide area. Energy costs will be cheap.  In 2020, each person will consume more than 1 GB mobile data per day. That is, each will use 60 times more data than today.
  Data Traffic volume will be more and content size will be larger, user applications will be more in higher data rate.  Interactive and streaming video, mobile internet use will be widespread. Camera and screen resolution will be more, and use of 3D video will be applied. Always-on connectivity is required in many applications to give the user real time information and notification.
 Expectations and demands of People are increasing. They want to make a big video file download immediately and get on-line games on mobile. Users want to do these in indoor and outdoor. They want better signal in those places, where
better signal is not available such as in inside of airports and shopping malls.
   A new world of uses: -  
  Augmented reality dashboard will be used, such as in Heads-Up-Display in Aircraft. Cars will be connected. Many car manufacturers are putting now 3D based imaging and sensor to help the drivers. Cars and other infrastructures will communicate wirelessly and also with connected pedestrians in the future. In next phase remotely controlled or self-drwill run for which high reliability and very fast communication (high data rate) is needed. All of self-driving cars and cars and infrastructures will communicate among them. 
   Tangible Benefits
 5G will bring a lot of benefits which are not possible before. It will increase 10,000 times network capacity and at higher peak time data rate will be offered 10Gbps even though the network is highly loaded and 100 Mbps speed people will get even if they remain beyond network range. Remote surgery, factory remote control operation, logistic automation, intelligent driverless cars is there. In addition to that a lot of technology innovation will be possible. 
  Possibility are limitless- after flight landing it will track luggage so that these are not lost. At the end, smart phone will intimate if milk in the refrigerator is finished. Milk delivery car will deliver milk from wherever it stays.
  5G Making a Reality: - To make 5G reality there should have large numbers of small cells to reach all customers. 5G will use new frequencies in different band; it will share frequencies in new system. These frequencies will be used efficiently.
 To make 5G successful numerous others needs is to be met.
  In fact, since 2020 to regulate the use of all types of communications systems, it must be flexible to avoid complications. In 5G lot of small cells are to be increased so that the users get connection in the place wherever they may stay. 5G will do cloud gaming or remote control and for that low latency is needed. For video streaming according to data latency will be required.
  5G will support Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality 
  AR and VR will revolutionize entertainment, health, education, and industry, which will make the user experience joyful. It will give real live experience in moving condition.
   Virtual reality (VR) simulates real conditions with computer graphics and the user actively simulates to interact with objects.
  In flight Augmented Reality system creates a composite scene which mixes the real scene the pilot views and augment it with the computer simulated virtual scene. Aircraft Pilot will see outside scene with shipment height, speed, temperature, etc. Augmented reality (AR) is the combination of virtual reality and the live image. Live image is the scene or camera image. For example, the front side of car-window shows direction in it and It will show real world and extra information of the navigational system. AR will be used in various fields such as in industry, entertainment, Robotic, surgery. 'Augmented reality in 5G will benefit "surgery” because of 5G network latency is less than any other network.
   Tectile Internet
  5G Cellular Technology will launch tactile internet. Tactile Internet will bring a revolutionary change in our lives. Tactile Internet latency is 1 ms. After Internet of Things Tactical internet is coming. Mobile broadband Data rate is soaring, cutting age scientists have started to build Tactile internet. In other words, we can hear and see distant objects, but through tactile internet we will feel touch of the objects. Bits and bytes of data network equivalent to human touch will have to send. Our today's data network speed will not meet it.  “Fridge will say the milk in the refrigerator is running out", we can also get this facility.   
  In Tactile Internet sensor connected system reacts with actuator within 1 ms. The system which has latency 1 ms is called "Tactile Internet".
  Current cellular system round-trip latency is not even close to1 ms.  So new applications which are coming will not work. For this 5G is needed.
  With Tactile internet remote surgery can be done with robot. Self-drive cars can be run.
Vulnerable to attack:
 Putting data on cloud is integral component in IoT. Mainly cloud storage and network architecture are vulnerable to attack. Hackers may hack, so safety and security features are essential.


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